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Renting a Car or Bike? Be Sure Safety Goes Along for the Ride!

It’s an absolutely beautiful summer day, and the forecast for the next few days is even better. Suddenly, renting a convertible for a leisurely drive down the coast or a trail bike for a ride in the countryside seems like the perfect answer for a short, but much needed getaway from everyday stress and strains.

Your Trusted Choice® agent not only understands, but seconds the motion! All we ask is that you also take a few precautions. Here are a few tips that will help minimize the chance an unexpected accident or avoidable health issue will turn your day of blissful relaxation into a nightmare of pain and anguish:
  • Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! Letting your hair blow with the top down or just basking in that warm sun while biking may feel like heaven, but not if you later find your skin burned like … heck. Always wear proper clothing and head coverings, and always apply sunscreen (at least SPF 30, with protection against both UVA and UVB rays).
  • Feel the heat! Know the difference between basking in the sun’s glow and risking heat stroke. Stay hydrated. If your skin suddenly seems hot or dry, if you feel chills or a throbbing headache, or if you feel confused or dizzy, immediately stop and call 911. While waiting for aid, cool down in a shaded area, and shower or spray yourself with water.
  • Beat the bugs! No matter the pastoral location, bugs abound. Keep the biters away with an effective repellent containing oil of lemon eucalyptus, picaridin, IR3535, or at least 20% DEET.
  • Be seen! Don’t risk getting hit while getting away. In a car, be sure all lights, blinkers and other safety features function properly. On a bike, be sure to wear reflective safety gear such as helmets, gloves, and jackets.
  • Don’t drive — or ride — impaired. While the perils of drunk or distracted driving are well known for cars, don’t forget that the same precautions — and attendant risks of ignoring them — apply for bikes.
  • Insurance, insurance, insurance. The best way to be certain this topic is well addressed is to schedule a pre-trip conversation with your Trusted Choice® agent. Whether your questions pertain to purchasing the rental firm’s loss waiver coverage or if your homeowners policy will help pay if you wreck that expensive rented mountain bike, it’s best to get the answers — or add the necessary protection — before setting out on your day in the sun.

Now go enjoy that glorious day!

Posted Monday, August 04 2014 9:35 AM

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